First day on the job

Christina and I just had a busy weekend: IKEA all day
on Saturday, assisted by a big truck we rented from Enterprise.
They're closed Saturday afternoons and all of Sunday, so we rented it
for the whole weekend in order to do some last-minute leaf-seeing
before we're both working. Unfortunately, most of the leaves have
passed their prime at this point but we still got some pretty beautiful
scenery. We drove up the Hudson River Valley today for a few hours,
explored Harriman and Bear Mountain Parks (just a couple hrs outside
NYC), saw West Point from the top of the mountain, and then drove back
on the east side of the river, through Washington Irving country,
Sleepy Hollow (formerly North Tarrytown), and Irving's house, though it
was closed by the time we got there.
I am now sitting at my desk at a Mac computer. We just finished a brief meeting with the Executive Editor and my supervisor. There's another new hire starting today who worked for a Penguin hardcover imprint for a few years before this. Her first edition is Canada -- and mine's ALASKA! I have a meeting at 11:30 to go over a few things, then a couple hours to settle in and get used to my desk and computer, look at some books and catalogs, and then we have a meeting with the head of the Delhi office about how our office will work with theirs in the future.
First day's gone great! Lots of documents to
look through, mostly on book creation procedure. The head of the Delhi office spoke mostly about how best to
communicate with her folks, taking into account time differences,
language barriers,etc. She brought us little candles in pretty
handprinted paper baggies as souvenirs from Divali, the Indian
festival of lights, that must have just happened. On the bottom of
the baggy is a sticker with the name of the charity it came from: The
Spastics Society of Northern India.