Get me outta here

I took the subway down to Battery Park today to sit on a bench and think. I thought about how I'm not feeling very interested in things at the moment but how I'd really like to be. I thought that maybe it's just because we have so much stuff to deal with right now, logistically, that I don't feel that I have time for fun activities. But soon that'll change. Christina helped me come up with a whole list of things I could get into once we have the time.
Part of the problem is our apartment. I'm not getting a good vibe from it. It's very nice inside (I'm speaking of the temporary one we're in at the moment, in Midtown Manhattan), but kind of sanitized and bland. I feel hermetically sealed inside it; it has tinted glass windows and we have to keep our shades drawn most of the time because we look into offices in the adjacent building during the day. Whenever I'm in the apartment I want to go outdoors, but the area around the building isn't that enticing -- just a lot of tall buildings, people in a hurry and not a lot of light, since it gets blocked by all the skyscrapers overhead. So I'm either stuck in a cold glass cage or dodging expressionless businessmen. Neither is a very attractive option.
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